Frequently Asked Questions / Q&A


Is The Cuttlefish right for me?

The Cuttlefish is soft and delicious --- but also strange and deadly. Masters of shape-shifting, bioelectric stealth, and black magic, The Cuttlefish evades threats, protects its own and targets prey with precision. The Cuttlefish thrives on exceptionalism and eats extraordinary for lunch. 

When you are ready for something new / genius / extraordinary, it’s time to call The Cuttlefish. 


How big is TheCuttlefish?

The Cuttlefish travels in schools. We do have employees, contractors, and a network of our favorite people who we had shared our greatest successes with, at previous companies and through to today.


Have you done work as the Cuttlefish yet, Where can I see it?

For more than 3 years we have been at it. Much of our new work can’t be posted to protect the privacy of our clients.

But we don’t come to The Cuttlefish empty-handed. And like the baby pictures in our wallet, this is what we are proud of.


Why is the company named The Cuttlefish?

It is our spirit animal. Its always itself at its core, but can instantly learn about its environment and blend with it- we identify with this in how we work. We are different things to different clients. Its also a pretty cool fish. Well, it’s not a fish exactly. Here, watch this piece of brilliance from an early web innovator, ZeFrank.


What inspires The Cuttlefish?

Powerful emotions, great stories, walks on the beach, spicy tacos, and the smell of indoor amusement park rides / the sound of opening a new can of tennis balls / restaurants where they cook things at your table / hidden messages / soft t-shirts / the feeling of your teeth when you step out of the dentist office.

What does this have to with a creative technology company?


The Cuttlefish knows the value of joy, laughter and discovery.